Hello, and welcome!


My name is Emmy Starr, and as far as being a Witch goes, I am one year old. So happy birthday to me!

Obviously, I am pretty new to this, but over the past year, I have started to think about what it means to me to be a Wiccan. I am proud to say that I have created my very own Book of Shadows to record everything I want, and I thought that it could do with an online sister; that is what this site is.

This blog will be here to share with you my findings, my musings, my progress, and I hope that whomever ends up reading this will feel they can do the same here. It will be a sort of more public, online Book of Shadows.

I look forward to seeing where this takes me.

Blessed be.


Paranormal : My Current Favourite YouTube Channel

On my explorations in to the paranormal, I have been watching a lot of YouTube accounts of the personal experiences of others.

One channel that has stood to me the most has been that of ladylockslife. I would definitely try checking that out if you want to  hear accounts of personal experiences, ghost hunting debriefings and urban legends.

I think the reason I like these accounts is because the personal experiences ring true with a few that I’ve had. It is also explained that different people have different way of experiencing these things, just like different people would experience reading a certain book in different ways.
I like this because I have always questioned my sensitivity because the way I’ve experienced things has been so different to the ways others have. It’s reassuring to know that I’m not wrong.

I honestly take urban legends with a pinch of salt, but they’re still fun to hear.

So if you, like me, are interested in the paranormal, I’d strongly advise checking out this channel.

I’ve been dormant…

Okay, so I have been very inactive. I am ashamed to say that when I last posted was when I last thought about this sort of thing.
I’ve been struggling a lot, and focussing on my studies.

Recently, though, I’ve been getting back in to it and so I hope to be more active again.

I’ve also become engrossed by the paranormal and so hope to add that as a section to my blog.













Its active ingredients are found in the roots or rhizomes

The roots can be used for food, and the stalks for medicine

Crystallised stems can be used as cake decorations

The roots and seeds can be used to flavour gin

Boiled roots can be applied to the inside and outside of wounds to speed healing


Magickal properties



Ot promotes healing and protection against negative energies

Used to remove curses, in exorcisms and in purification spels

Sprinkle it all around outside the home for protection

Can be used for divination

It can be carried as an amulet

Use it at the beginning and end of rituals for blessings and banishing








Produced in the digestive system of sperm whales

Solid, waxy and flammable

At first, it is soft and white. It hardens over time and turns grey/black

Melts at around 62C to become a fatty, yellow resinous liquid

Used in perfumes

It has a sweet and earth scent when it’s older

Magickal properties:

Earth and water

Used to lend power to other herbs

Strong sexual compellent

Associated with Jupiter or the Sun, maybe even Venus

It provides a feeling of well-being and expansiveness

Good for love magick

It increases psychic ability; it can be used for divination through dreams

Ancient Greeks added it to wine. They used this for digestive problems

Used to treat sore throat, heart disease and paralysis

Suitable for any god of the sea, or Aphrodite

Used in luck and money spells, as it is so expensive

Meditation and grounding attempts

Hello, all!
Last night, I could not sleep at all. There was just so much running round my body, so I decided to try to ground myself. It took a while for me to settle down after that, but instantly I did notice that I didn’t have any negative energy left in me, so that was a success! I shall have to try that more often.
This morning, I immediately decided to meditate as soon as I woke up. It helped me to gain energy, without which I would not have made it out the door. I was a little distracted though, and I think this was why I felt really on edge and panicky all day. I’ll have to work on my meditation skills, as my mind just wanders all over the place.

I’d love some advice on this, as internet searches and general reading tend to tell you HOW to meditate, not how not to.

Blessed be.


Harnessing my energy

My adventure is a little more calm today. It’s a day of more personal research than a general subject research day.

Today I decided to feel my inner power. My energy feels like a smooth, light solid. When I meditated it buzzed inside me. So outside my body, it is a glass-like (less dense) ‘solid’, but inside, it is a thin, vibrating and conductive ‘liquid’.

It was quite fun to just be more self-aware. I think this will be the beginning of a daily practice and meditation!

Blessed be.



AKA Agarwood, Jinko, Eaglewood



Enlightenment and clarity

Spiritual journey



It is one of the most rare and precious woods on Earth

It is a resinous heartwood formed in Aquilaria and Gyrinops when they are infected with a type of mould. They produce a dark, aromatic resin in defence.

The leaves and stems can also produce this resin

Laxative properties in the leaves of the trees

It’s a good anti-inflammatory agent, and is widely used in skincare

Reduces halitosis and tastelessness

Stimulates the heart and purifies blood

Expels extra mucus from the respiratory tract



Magickal properties:




It is usually considered a Jupiter herb

It is a psychoactive scent. It can be used for obsessive thinking, nervousness and exhaustion

Drives away evil spirits and helps clear mental illness

It is good for adding extra power to rituals

It brings energy to the centre and calms the mind and spirit

It opens the Third Eye as well as all the upper Chakras

Brings motivation and dedication to meditation (I love this sentence)

Brings alertness

Relieves anxiety

Invokes a sense of strength and peace

It creates natural order

Enhances cerebral functioning

It calms the nervous system

It is a companion in solitude

Aids the ascension of prayers

Valerian is a natural component in Aloeswood which relieves insomnia

It is used for love and spirituality. It is said to draw a lover near when used in a love spell.

I have Aloeswood incense, and I used it to relax when I am feeling depressed or can’t sleep. It helps me also if I have writer’s block or need to focus on working.

African Violet




Spirituality within the home



Leaves and flowers are edible
High in vitamins A and C
Leaves can be used for bruises, skin ulcers and other wounds
Its syrup can be used for coughs
Violet oil can be distilled from the leaves
Non toxic

Magickal properties:

Under the influence of Venus
Its 5 petals means that it is a goddess flower
Sacred to Aphrodite/Venus
Good to add to faery charms and spells
Faery protection


Violet Syrup recipe:

  • Boil 3lbs sugar in 2 cups water for 10 minutes

  • Remove the scum

  • Crush 1lb violet flowers in a mortar and add to the syrup

  • Cook until it loses colour

  • Strain and contain in a glass bottle