Paranormal : My Current Favourite YouTube Channel

On my explorations in to the paranormal, I have been watching a lot of YouTube accounts of the personal experiences of others.

One channel that has stood to me the most has been that of ladylockslife. I would definitely try checking that out if you want to  hear accounts of personal experiences, ghost hunting debriefings and urban legends.

I think the reason I like these accounts is because the personal experiences ring true with a few that I’ve had. It is also explained that different people have different way of experiencing these things, just like different people would experience reading a certain book in different ways.
I like this because I have always questioned my sensitivity because the way I’ve experienced things has been so different to the ways others have. It’s reassuring to know that I’m not wrong.

I honestly take urban legends with a pinch of salt, but they’re still fun to hear.

So if you, like me, are interested in the paranormal, I’d strongly advise checking out this channel.